Once you log in to Compass-360, navigation is easy.
Landing Page
When you first log in to Compass-360, you will land on your primary dashboard. At first, no dashboard will appear. We’ll get deeper into dashboards when we cover reporting, but dashboards are customizable per user account, and can reflect relevant insights to your position.

Finally, to the left, you’ll see three bolded lines. Selecting this will open the navigation menu, revealing the various modules within Compass-360:

Important to note:
A module is an area of focus within the system where you can interact with related features and functionality. For example, all venue and location related features and functionality will exist with the Locations Module, which appears as Locations on the navigation sidebar.
After navigating to different module within Compass-360, the navigation sidebar will close automatically to optimize the screen visibility. At any time, you can access it via the top left menu button.