File Management

Included with your database is an unlimited capacity storage module. This will be where documents are stored via various forms, online portals, images for Participants and more. It can also serve as hub for storing internal or external documents such as forms or flyers.

Head over to the File Assets Module. At first you will see you top level folders.

File Asset landing page


To keep your documents clean and organized, you should create folders to save documents in. There is no limit to the amount of folders.

Add a Document

Highlight a folder and either click Add Asset at the top, or click the row action button (…). This will open up the upload dialog, allowing you to set the name and description of the upload. You can expand folders by clicking on the ➕ icon.

From there, drag the document or click upload to locate within your computer.

Uploading a new file asset.

View / Edit Document

Highlight a document and click the ✏ icon at the top to edit the document.

Editing an asset.