Navigating Constituents

There are three main parts to the Constituent Module: search, view (the table) and the detail sidebar.

No constituents will populate when you first navigate to the Constituent Module. Use the search function on the left to search for a specific constituent or set of constituents.


The constituent search has several filters that you can combine to craft a detailed search.

To highlight a few options:

  1. Personas, Centers and Schools are predefined lists that you can select from
  2. Select the Membership status, which will only search for Participants which only have the status you select
  3. Use the Data Quality filters to find constituents with missing data

Important to note:

For searchable lists such as Centers, you can type to find the Center you are looking for and hit Enter. You can also navigate the dropdown list using your keyboard arrows. You can clear these fields while focused by hitting ESC or clicking the ‘X’ on the input

Data Quality Filters

For missing addresses, C360 will look for constituents without Address, City, State & Zip Code.

Sort & Filter Results

Use the filter input at the top of the table to filter the results that are listed in the constituent table. Click on any of the column headers to sort the table. You can also resize the columns as needed.

View a Constituent

Click on a single constituent row to open the detail sidebar. Depending on the type of constituent and their Persona, various pieces of data will be shown. Click on any of the summary sections to expand the detail.

Manage a Constituent

For the various summary sections, each will have an option to add or modify data. For most records, clicking directly on the detail will open the editor.

Some summary sections only show a consolidated amount of records. If this is the case, there will be an option to view and manage all records. This is most common with Notes, where the quantity of Notes can easily exceed what is being shown. Select View All to access the entirety of notes.

Batch Actions

When clicking a single record in the Constituent Table, the sidebar summary will open. When you click multiple records, you’ll be able to perform batch operations (actions) on the selected list.

Some actions are only available when selecting a certain amount of constituents. For example, since you can only merge two constituents at once, the merge action will only be shown when two constituents are selected and will disappear when three or more are selected.

Send Emails

When you click on the Send Emails action, you’ll be able to craft a message using the Email Broadcaster and send an email.