Processing Refunds

When viewing a profile from a constituent record, select View History underneath the Payments section. In the manage invoices window, select which line item you need to refund.

Navigating to ‘Payments’ from the constituent profile.

Paid invoices will appear in order from most recent to oldest.

Payment History

Select the payment in which you want to process a refund. In the invoice detail, enter the amount you want refund next to the item you want to apply the refund to.

Processing a refund.

Once you’ve entered the refund amount, select the now active Refund button at the bottom.

A processed refund screen.

Once the refund has been applied, the invoice will update to reflect the payment. You’ll also get a notification in the top right corner that refund has been processed. In the event there is an error, the notification will reflect there was an error. In that case, reach out to with details of the attempted refund.

Important to note:

Refunds are not reversible and will not return the line item back to the open invoice.