Navigating User Accounts

On the User Accounts landing page, you’ll see the title ‘User & Accounts’ which informs you where you are in the system.

Below, you’ll see a quick + Add Users button on the left, and on the right you’ll see a search box, as well as the refresh and settings buttons. Finally, your user accounts are listed in tile-like form below.


The search box is live updating. As you type, the list will filter accordingly below.

List of User Accounts

The user accounts will appear in list order as tiles.

The list of user accounts will at first display Compass-360 accounts: Admin, WebPortal, support and vdc. Aside from the Admin account, which your primary contact will have access to, the rest are accounts that will be used by the Compass-360 team and cannot be edited.

Your organization’s user accounts will appear in alphabetical order below.

Viewing an Account

Select a user account tile to view the details of the user account, which will populate on the right in a sidebar. From there, you will be able accomplish various tasks.