Adding Classes
Classes are the final level within the Schedule hierarchy. Classes can only be added to Programs that are within a Schedule.
Open up Programs and find the Schedule you want work with. Expand the Schedule tree to the Program you want to add a Class.
From here you can add Classes in two ways. Modifying the Schedule adding classes one-by-one, or using the Class Scheduler.

Class Fields
Class Date/Time
The start date and time of this class.
End Date
The end date and time of this class.
Taught By
Select a constituent who teaches/oversees this class.
Substitute Instructor
Select a constituent who will serve as the substitute instructor for this class.
Guest Instructor
Select a constituent who will serve as the guest instructor for this class.
Substitute Requested
Enabling will mark that his class needs a substitute.
Report Requested
Enabling will mark that his class needs a report.
Class Status
What is the status of this class?
Pay Rate
The pay rate of this class.
Mark whether or not this class has been paid for.
Select which venue the class is being held at. (You can add venues to your options via the Venues Module.)
Is there any area/location of the venue that this class is specific to?
Venue Notes
Any notes specific to the venue for this class.
The total number of expenses to run the class.
Deleting Classes
When viewing a a schedule, select the three dots to the right of the class you want to delete. From the drop down, select Remove.