Primary Schedule Roster
At the highest level of your Schedule there is a primary Schedule Roster. This roster will serve as the single source of Participants for every level – Sessions, Programs and Classes. Once a Participant is added to the primary Roster, they will then be able to be added to each individual level over the timeline of the Schedule.
Essentially, every Participant who will be added to any level’s roster, will first need to be added to the primary roster to become eligible to be enrolled in other rosters.
At every level in the Schedule there is also a roster. This allows you to manage one single list of Participants, and then copy and move Participants throughout the Schedule.
Important to note:
Enrollments, Sessions, Programs and Classes can require a specific membership level to be enrolled.
Viewing the Roster
Open up the Schedule you want to manage and navigate to the Roster tab. Below you will see a current list of Participants – if any.

Adding Participants
Click the icon to open and closer the search sidebar. Enter some search parameters and click the Search button.

A dialog will open returning any constituents that match your search. Highlight the record you want to add and click Select.

Missing Memberships
If a membership is required to enroll and it is missing from the constituent, a prompt screen will open, allowing you to add a membership to the Participant.

Select the membership and fill in the details. Select Save to complete.
Copying & Cascading a Roster
From any roster level, you can quickly copy and paste to another roster. This will allow you to move Participants from one level to another, without re-enrolling them in another program.
Use the copy button to copy the roster and then later, paste into another.

You can also copy and paste from the schedule view by selecting the … button to the right of each level.
Additionally, from this view, you can cascade the enrollment roster, which will apply the roster from one level to all of the levels underneath. For example, you can take the roster from the session level and cascade it down to all of the programs that fall underneath that session.

You can cascade rosters at any level. Most usefully, from the program level to the classes program.
Deleting a Participant
To delete a participant from the primary roster, in the schedule, navigate to the Roster. Select the Participant and click the … button on the right.