Core Questions

Below is a list of all the core questions with a short description.


Sum of Duplicated Attendance Hours

Total sum of attendance hours. Includes both program and center attendance.

Count of Duplicated Attendance Records

The count of every attendance record. A participant will only have one record per class, but can have many classes per program. Includes program and center attendance.

Count of Unduplicated Attendance by Program

The lifetime count of unique participants for every attendance record grouped by unique program.

“Unduplicated Attendance, the number of individuals who attended each program”

Count of Duplicated Attendance by Program

The lifetime count of participants for every attendance record grouped by unique program.

“Duplicated Attendance, the number of times each individual attended program”

Sum of Unduplicated Attendance Hours Over Time

A line chart, representing the total recorded hours for every unique constituent over time. Includes program and center attendance. Defaults to month. Can further filter this line chart by date, type, program, hours, location, and more.

“The number of hours each individual attended per month”

Center Attendance List

All the attendance records for any recorded center attendance. Further filter this list by date, type, hours, and location.

Sum of Center Attendance Hours

Sum of hours for the center attendance list.  Further filter this number by date, type, hours, and location.

Sum of Attendance Hours by Program Category

Pie chart with the sum of attendance hours by category where category is not empty.

Count of Duplicated Attendance Records Over Time

A line chart, representing the count of attendance records by Class over time.  Includes program and center attendance. Defaults to day. Can further filter this line chart by date, type, program, hours, location, and more.

Attendance Summary

A table of duplicated attendance hours and count pivoted on program category and start date. 

“Shows the total count and sum of hours by individual program dates with category”

Average Attendance Hours Over Time

A line chart representing the average of unduplicated hours of attendance records over time. Includes program and center attendance. Defaults to quarter. Can further filter this line chart by date, type, program, hours, location, and more.

Checked in at Center

A number showing you how many participants are checked in at any given center. Can further filter this list by centers and more.


30 Day Membership Expiration

A list of memberships for participants that are set to expire in the next 30 days.

New Memberships by Type Over Time

The count of membership types over time, defaults to year.

Count of Active Memberships by Type

The count of active membership types, visualized in a pie chart.

Count of New Members This Year Over Time

A line chart representing the count of memberships records where the member since date is this year, grouped by level. Defaults to month.


Count of Current Month Classes

The count of classes offered this month.

Current Week Class Roster Participants List

A list of participants on the current week’s class roster.


Head of Household Relationships

Relationship records that have Head of Household in the meta. Useful question to join with participant records.

Newest Academic Record

Returns the most recent academic record for every constituent. Note: the academic record could be stale, filter by enrollment status if needed.

Count of Unduplicated Active Members

Count of unduplicated constituents with an active membership record.

Count of Constituents

A total count of all constituents. Participants, parents, instructors, etc.

Participants w/ demographics +

Participants with demographics, including grade level and HOH income levels. You can filter this by the attendance date, membership level, program name and more.

Useful question for survey responses.

Read more here on how to use this core question.

Class Roster Constituents

A useful base question to work with ‘active’ participants, that is those that are on a class roster. You can plot this over time, based on the class date and time, count the amount of individual rosters a participant is on and more. Returns a list of Classes, joined with their Rosters and the Constituent profile.

Count of Participants Grouped By Age

A bar chart representing grouped participant age counts.

Count of Constituents by Persona

A pie chart representing the counts of individual personas.

Instructors List

A list of constituents with the persona of Instructor.

Latest Academic Record List

A list of every constituent’s most recent academic record. Useful base question.

Memberships w/ Constituent List

A list of constituents with every membership they may have. Only returns constituents that have a membership.

Count of Parents

The count of results from the Parents List question.

Parents List

A list of constituents with the persona of Parent.

Count of Participants

The count of results from the Participants List question.

Participants List

A list of constituents with the persona of Participant.

Participants List w/ Tags

A list of participants, pivoted with every tag.

Count of Participants Race

A bar chart counting every participant’s race.

Count of Participants School

A pie chart counting the unique schools from participants’ latest academic record.

Staff List

A list of constituents with the persona of Staff.

Volunteers List

A list of constituents with the persona of Volunteer.


Sum of Balance Due

The sum of invoice totals with the status of balance due.

Income MTD

The sum of income received this month.