Adding a New Program
Programs are the core content areas of programming and are reusable across Schedules. They define what curriculum you have to offer and are long-lived.
Creating a Program
Navigate to the second tab with the Programs Module:
Click Add Program from the top right corner of the window and enter the details of your new Program. Minimally, you need a name and description.
Program Fields
The name of the program.
A description of the program.
The category of the program.
The sub-category of the program.
The total number of expenses to run the program.
Supply Cost
The cost of supplies for the program.
The status of the program: Active, Inactive, Cancelled, Completed or Unknown.
The type of constituents this program is designed for: Individual, Group or Organization.
Select which venue the program is being held at. (You can add venues to your options via the Venues Module.)
Is there any area/location of the venue that this program is specific to?
Venue Notes
Any notes specific to the venue for this program.
Select a constituent to attach as the instructor of the program.
Select a constituent to attach as the co-instructor of the program.
Minimum Age
What is the minimum age for a program participant?
Maximum Age
What is the maximum age for a program participant?