Instructor Portal
The Instructor Portal allows Instructors that have been assigned to Classes to manage those classes.
Note: This document is from the perspective of a Staff member and is not intended to be shared with Instructors. It references features that Instructors do not normally have permissions for.
Portal URL
The URL for instructors to login is unique for every organization. Every organization has an Org Domain. This is the value appended to the URL. For most organizations this will be your website or email URL. For example,
Replace <your-org-domain> with your unique Org Domain:<your-org-domain>
Logging In
First, you’ll have to have created and assigned an Instructor to a Class in the Schedule, with a mobile number with the SMS option checked.
Tip: For testing, add your Constituent Record as an Instructor on a Schedule.
Navigate to your Instructor Portal. Enter the phone number that is assigned to the Instructor.
That number will be sent a 4 digit pin, enter that pin to login.
Common Errors: If there is no SMS number assigned to the Instructor, you will get an authentication error when trying to login.
The reason is that SMS numbers are unique across your entire database. Compass uses this number to lookup the unique Constituent assigned the number entered above.
The Instructor will need a SMS number assigned to access the portal.
Important to note:
If an Instructor has an assigned SMS number but is not receiving a pin, there is likely something amiss with their carrier. They can then use their email to receive a pin.
Once logged in, you’ll see the list of Program Classes that are assigned to this Instructor (of any). Click on the more icon to Manage Attendance.
Just like Attendance, you will see all the Participants who are registered for the selected Class. Follow those same steps to take Attendance.
Important to note:
To protect data integrity, Instructors can ONLY take attendance for day of classes. If the date is passed, they will have to turn in any attendance sheet to the organization for back entry.